Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

I just want to send a Merry Christmas out to everybody today! Or if you don't celebrate it, Happy Holidays! I hope everybody is having an epic break. =D


Tuesday 21 December 2010

Marlon and Winnitron in Free Press

Congrats to Marlon and the Winnitron team - featured in today's Winnipeg Free Press!

Thursday 16 December 2010

Twice as good!

Lets make this blog for both sections. Further network development, information resources and cool art are the likely result.

If you know any of the section one peoples email, please invite/introduce them, or send the email to me and I will.

Ths is what I SHOULD have done for the DMT tutorial presentation...(may be unsuitable for some viewers)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Yes it's old, yes it's rusty, but make no mistake, it WILL eat you.

Monday 13 December 2010



During Construction Phase

How Fun Was it to Extract Waterfalls?!? Blargh!!

Came out quite nicely, if I do say so meself =3 I'd love to see everyone's matte paintings!! :D


So if I got this straight...

I just want to make sure the dates on the right-hand side are still accurate.

History Test - 1PM in Theatre on Tuesday?
Matte Painting - due by 1PM on Tuesday?
Website Final - due by Wednesday at Midnight? (basically 11:59:59PM on Tuesday)

Are these correct? Thanks!

Sunday 12 December 2010

History Exam

Hey hey you cool cats, you!! I just wanted to tell everyone GOOD LUCK on that crazy exam!! We're all going to do well =3

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Punch Out

So instead of doing homework yesterday, I rented Punch Out for the Wii and was really impressed by the character animation they had in the game. All the characters have tons of personality. Something i would like to strive for in my 3D animation. So it seems like my non-homework time turned out to be a study period of good animation. I thought i would share.

If you liked Punch Out for the NES or SNES, then this is pretty much just a polished graphical update which i am totally okay with. Though, the new bad guy The Disco Kid seems like a very forced entry into the Punch Out roster.

Monday 6 December 2010

Writing FTW!

Hmmm, the test material, I think it's on adcracker...what's the password again? hehe (priv msg me plz)

Please confirm,
is this what we need to study

Adcracker Planning section:
1.How to create an ad strategy
2.How to write an ad/communication plan

and MAYBE he will test us on the ...CLIENT AND AGENCY power point?! I hope not, it's a bit complicated.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Hi there...

Can anyone tell me how to make photoshop not crash at the first sight of my targa file (matte painting assignment)?


Friday 3 December 2010

Check out this typeface!

I was driving home today and this little gem caught my eye, but for the wrong reasons. xD It's made up of individual records. Real ones too, not printed or anything.

As a friend of mine put it, "clever, but in a cheap and nasty way."

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


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