Wednesday 29 September 2010


Hey gang,

This blog's gonna be pretty handy. I already used the homework due date stuff on the right to plan my day. Though, now i'm procrastinating by writing this post. :)

Thought it might be fun to showcase stuff on this here blog. I'd like to see what you guys have come up with for the Intro to DMT collage thing. Here's mine:


D.Macri said...

Looks awesome, wish I could get a closer look. You can make images bigger if your not worried about copyright etc at this stage.

feeblethemighty said...

I thought i did...hmm...i'll see what i can do.

Also, about the whole copyright thing, apparently it's a new image if you have manipulated over %40 percent of the original image. I heard that somewhere and don't know if that is true.

Ruby Dragon said...

*Hahaha* - Elephants in office chairs XD This could be a movie poster!! Awesome!