Friday 1 October 2010


Hey guys,

Lots of you have heard this already, but i want to make sure as many people as possible find out about this. Especially fellow Red River students. Share this with your friends!

I've been collaborating with local game designers and all round cool guys Alec Holowka and Noel Berry on a fantastic new project called The WINNITRON 1000!

It's in beta stage right now, we've got the computer and controls up and running but it's basically going to be a full-fledged indie games arcade cabinet that can update it's game library wirelessly and allow up to two-players to compete simultaneously!

We're also hosting a jam to make games for the Winnitron right here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. If you are a motivated artist, coder, or musician interested in helping out, check out the full release on Alec's blog.


D.Macri said...

Haha, that's funny/awesome, Do you have any Winnipeg themed games?

D.Macri said...

You see this before?

Ruby Dragon said...

This is fantastic! I'll be following this for sure, the games look gorgeous, too.
Post this info on the FB DMT At RRC site as well, get more RRC peeps in the know.