Wednesday 3 November 2010

Did I miss anything big today?

Hey guys. As you probably know I was missing from classes today. Long story short, my stomach was feeling like crap yesterday and got worse last night and just felt it was better for me to stay home and rest.

So did I miss anything big in classes today? Handouts etc. I really appreciate any information shared back to me.

Also, just a shoutout to Vanessa - for letting me email her so I could let the instructors know I'm sick. Thank you so much.

And a shoutout for Kathy and Reema for getting the script printed and handed in for me.

You guys are all awesome, best class ever.


feeblethemighty said...

There wasn't a whole lot to miss this morning. In Writing for the Web we have an assignment in which we are supposed to go to the Simpsons Movie website, make a new Simpsons character, and do a fictional write-up about that character. 1 to 2 pages for next week.

In WebDev we got the next assignment which is making a homepage for a video game or movie with a jQuery widget displaying screenshots.

Other than that you didn't miss much. :)

D.Macri said...

I was also sick, from being stressed out searching for lost brackets (html)at 5 am! I appreciate the homework update as well. I will try and add it (the homework) to the sidebar div soon. Did I say div just now, like a word? Egad. Time for sketchbook.