Saturday 20 November 2010

jQuery Assignment

Can anyone tell me, if they have their jQuery working, what plugin they are using?

I've tried two different plugins, and done everything right to my knowledge (one I showed Alicia stumped her) and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.

I'm worried I won't find a working plugin by Wednesday. Can anyone name me a plugin that's working for them, as a backup plan?



Anonymous said...

I haven't even got to the plugin part. I'm still doing layout.


Do I need to know what plugin to use before I do layout? =O

Steven H. said...

Not necessarily. I think some figured out what they wanted before they did layout, and some opposite. I had an idea for what I wanted myself, but I've had to change things.

Amy said...

I had a hell of a time getting mine to work. Maybe try something else and if you can't get it to work make an appointment with Alicia again? I dunno. My j-query is a little complicated but if you want I could try to show you how to use it but someone else's may be more suitable

Anonymous said...

I cant see what your using, but I can tell you what fixed mine. Alicia said we could use the demo index.html that came with the code as a template. so I copied & pasted the bits I needed for my own code. but the line for the jquery: had

script src="../colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js"

when all i needed was

script src="jquery.colorbox.js"

because I had moved the java into the folder directly, the "..." means 3 levels deep. Hope that helps! if not email Alicia! she's very helpful


Gilles DeCruyenaere said...

One thing to look out for is the css that goes with the plug in. Some of them have more than 1 css file linked to them, so you have to put a css link for each css file in the head of your html file.
Also, if the sample has the css file in a seperate folder, try to keep it set up that way ( I took the css out of its folder and relinked it, and parts of the plug in got messed up. Doesn't make sense, but...)
One more suggestion (if you haven't done this already): when you find a plug in you want to use, copy and paste the entire sample html into a blank text page, and keep all of the supporting files in the original structure (folders, sub-folders, etc.) At this point you should theoretically have a page with a functioning sample plug in. Then use that html as the starting point for your page, and add layout around it.

Hope this helps