Saturday 22 January 2011

Shamless Plug

Yes, I know :) It's not 110% school related..but this certainly helps this student along =3

I just finished wrapping up a few new products in the store -- hey, seriously: Does *anyone* know of anyone who enjoys scrapbooking, digitally???? If so, please be a dear and pass along this link...and uh, yah, school show cases my hobby-store-talents.... ... <:) You still don't believe me? Ah well, that works for me too :D
C'est bed time...

Store's blog post


macri said...

I still don't even really understand what this means, 'digital scrapbooking', but kudos for doing stuff!


(word verification= insupli)

Ruby Dragon said...

I've been designing things for the computer-equivalent to paper scrapbooking. :) Thanks, Dave!! ... It's ok too...I don't imagine many men get up to this sort of thing LOL ;)